George Sawyer

Senior Learning & Development Leader


Narrative Coaching | Technical Career Development | Adult Learning | Cloud Computing | Public Speaking | Leadership Development | Employee Onboarding | Entrepreneurship | Organizational Effectiveness | Change Management | Cloud Adoption | Learning & Development | Train-the-Trainer

AWS Authorized Instructor (AAI) – Champion

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Radcliffe Camera at Oxford

Learning Expertise

George brings a unique liberal arts approach to workplace education.


Learning must be measurable. George brings a focus on measurable formative and summative assessment aligned to organizational goals.

Outcome-based Learning

George designs learning experiences aligned to organizational goals. Structuring scafolding to close skills gaps.

Engaging Delivery

Whether in-person or on-line, synchronous or self-paced, or a blended delivery, George insists on an engaging learning experience which brings learners back to build a culture of life-long learning.

George Sawyer walking through stone walkway at Oxford
George Sawyer feeding herd of myotonic (fainting) goats.

Learning from Goats

George is currently engaged in a momentous learning experience in the form of Wild Haven Farm. A certified organic Gentleman’s Farm in Sunrise, MN, Wild Haven Farm is focused on regenerative practices and the promotion of heritage livestock breeds.